Unplanned Pregnancy Help in Alaska

Dealing with the chaos of an unplanned pregnancy in Alaska is likely something you didn’t expect.

If you’re wondering what you should do first and what your next steps should be, keep reading to find out what your options are for an unplanned pregnancy in Alaska.

What Should I Do First?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy in Alaska can be a scary experience, so it’s normal to feel panicked and afraid.

Your first step should be to take a deep breath and remind yourself that you’ll get through this. You have plenty of options available to you, so it’s important that you take the time to consider each of them.

It’s also important to understand that you are not alone. In fact, nearly half of all pregnancies in the United States are unplanned, which means that many people just like you are facing the same choices you are.

What Are My Options?

When you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy in Alaska, you might feel alone and afraid, but the truth is that you do have plenty of options available to you. Three of your options are parenting, adoption or abortion. Let’s look at each of those options in-depth so you can get a better understanding of what will work best for you.


For many people, parenting is the clear choice. While it can be a complicated experience, especially if you don’t feel ready, many people facing an unplanned pregnancy in Alaska decide that parenting is their best option.

If you’re considering parenting, make sure you seek out guidance and assistance during this time. There are many resources available in Alaska designed to help you raise your baby even if you weren’t planning to become pregnant.

One of your first steps should be to apply for WIC in Alaska to ensure that you’re able to have a safe and healthy pregnancy. You should also visit your primary care doctor or OB/GYN to establish prenatal care and begin planning for your child’s birth.


Sometimes, dealing with unplanned pregnancy in Alaska means that the best option is adoption.

Adoption could be the best choice if you:

If you’re considering adoption, reach out to an adoption agency in your area that can help answer your questions about adoption and explain your rights and options to you.

Potential adoption agencies include:

Keep in mind that if you choose to work with a national adoption agency, such as American Adoptions, you will have the opportunity to choose an adoptive family anywhere in the United States. You’ll also have a larger selection of adoptive families to choose from.


Facing unplanned pregnancies in Alaska is never easy. You have a lot of difficult decisions to make, but you also have a lot of options when it comes to moving forward with your life. Abortion is one option for many people facing pregnancy. Because abortion laws change frequently, it’s important to reach out to an abortion provider in your area to find out what the laws currently are and whether you are eligible for an abortion.

It’s also important that you seek counseling or therapy regardless of whether you choose parenting, adoption or abortion. Make sure you have someone who can provide you with emotional support and guidance during this time to ensure that you’re taking care of your mental health when facing this difficult situation.

What Can an Adoption Agency Do For Me?

Whether you are considering parenting, adoption or abortion, it’s okay to reach out to an adoption agency in your area. In fact, you should! An adoption agency can do more than just provide you with adoption information. They can also give you resources in your local area that can help you regardless of what choice you decide to make.

If you do decide to place your baby for adoption, your adoption agency will guide you from start to finish, they’ll help you create a hospital plan, which ensures that your wishes are respected when it’s time to give birth. For example, if you want the adoptive family to be present with you in the delivery room, your adoption agency can help make that happen.

An adoption agency can also help you match with a hopeful adoptive family. The family you choose for your baby is entirely up to you. You can choose a family that loves dogs, a family that already has children or even a family that lives near a beach. Regardless of the future you envision for your baby, you can make that happen when you choose an adoptive family.

Your agency will also help you by providing financial support and medical assistance throughout your pregnancy. They will help cover the cost of utilities and rent, as well as your prenatal medical expenses, to ensure that you’re able to take good care of yourself during this time.

While unplanned pregnancies in Alaska can be very difficult situations to navigate, it’s important to reach out to ensure you’re able to get the help and support you need.

About the Author

Lindsay Arielle has been a proud birth mother since placing her son for adoption in 2011. Her post-placement agreement has always been an open adoption. She loves the time she gets to spend with her son and his parents during visits. Lindsay truly believes that for herself and her family, adoption has been a blessing, and she enjoys writing about spiritual healing for birth mothers.

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