Can You Get Paid to Give a Baby Up for Adoption in Illinois?

Many women who experience unexpected pregnancy consider putting a baby up for adoption. For some, that leads to the question, “Can I get paid for adoption in Illinois?”

To start, you should know two important facts:

Answering the question, “Can you get paid for adoption in Illinois can be complicated, so questions about financial assistance for adoption in Illinois are common. Adoption professionals can help you get answers if you’re wondering, “Can you get paid for adoption in Illinois?”  

If you haven’t yet found an adoption agency to rely on, you can complete our online form to get connected and find the answers you need. For now, please read on for the answer to “Can you get paid for adoption in Illinois?” and other questions.

1.   When you put your baby up for adoption in Illinois, do you have to pay?

There is never a charge for birth mothers who wish to place a child for adoption in Illinois. Adoption is always free for birth moms. Pregnancy and delivery costs can be expensive, especially pre-natal healthcare and hospital expenses. Forcing birth mothers to pay for the adoption process would be an unethical burden.

2. Can you get paid for adoption in Illinois?

You may have heard that birth mothers “get paid” for adoption in Illinois. That belief likely stems from the fact they sometimes get financial assistance from hopeful adoptive parents if they choose to place their child. However, financial assistance isn’t considered compensation in a legal context. Adoption for compensation is illegal under state and federal law.

Offering or accepting compensation for adoption can lead to criminal prosecution. When birth parents are offered or given money or anything of value for placing their child for adoption, that’s considered human trafficking, which is against the law.

So, can you get paid for adoption in Illinois? No, but financial help is often available. Choosing adoption means almost all costs resulting from pregnancy, labor, and delivery will be covered by the potential adoptive parents through financial assistance for adoption

3. Can you get paid to give a baby up for adoption in Illinois through an adoption agency?

If you’ve wondered, “Can you get paid for adoption in Illinois by an adoption agency?” you should know the answer is no. The source of illegal compensation for adoption doesn’t matter. Offering or providing birth parents with anything of value in exchange for placing a child for adoption is illegal.

That includes payments to birth parents by adoptive parents, adoption agencies, or other representatives of prospective adoptive families.

If any agency or individual offers you payment beyond the expenses defined as allowable under the law, you should avoid them. Any payment for giving your baby up for adoption can result in strict penalties. It’s best to steer clear of any person or agency that proposes illegal compensation.

Can you get paid for adoption in Illinois? While you can’t get paid for adoption, you can get help legally with pregnancy-related expenses thanks to adoption financial assistance. Birth mother expenses incurred before, during, and soon after the pregnancy and birth can be covered by potential adoptive families or through adoption agencies.

4. Can birth mothers get financial assistance for adoption in Illinois? What can be paid?

Unplanned pregnancy can cause chaos in your life initially. It can also impact your financial circumstances. Pregnancy is expensive, and the additional costs (such as groceries, medical care, and lifestyle costs) can overwhelm birth mothers. Compounding the issue is that your ability to work may be limited, causing further strain on your finances.  

Though the answer to the question, “Can you get paid for adoption in Illinois?” is no, it’s possible for you to get financial assistance in to assist with pregnancy-related expenses in compliance with the law. That financial assistance can cover pregnancy-related costs, like living expenses and the cost of medical care.

Some of the costs that can be paid through birth mother financial assistance in Illinois include:

  • Medical expenses: Prenatal and postnatal healthcare can be a heavy burden on birth mothers. State law lets potential adoptive families pay the costs of birth mother and baby medical care and hospital fees.
  • Living expenses: Birth mother living expenses can be covered by the adoptive family, and that can include expenses like birth mother housing, food, utilities, and other expenses that the court deems reasonable.
  • Legal expenses: Legal fees for adoption are expensive, and that can be a lot for expectant birth mothers to bear financially. Illinois law allows hopeful adoptive parents to cover those costs.
  • Adoption expenses: As a birth mother, you have a right to the resources and support provided by an adoption agency. Agency costs can also be paid by potential adoptive families.

Don’t worry if you’re in the late stages of pregnancy or you’ve already given birth when you decide adoption is right for you. If you’re wondering, “Can I get paid for adoption in Illinois?” in those circumstances, you should know you can still get adoption financial assistance. Please speak to a professional because each adoption scenario is unique. You can connect with one by completing this online form.

5. What state regulations govern adoption financial assistance payments?

Birth mother expenses are directly addressed by Illinois state law. Payment of birth mother expenses such as temporary housing, medical costs, and other living expenses deemed reasonable by the court is legal. Some states limit the amount of adoption financial assistance, but Illinois doesn’t have a maximum limit prescribed by law.

Again, the laws about adoption financial assistance are complex and vary among states. That’s why you should discuss birth mother expense payments with a licensed adoption professional to ensure you comply with state law. Though the answer to “Can I get paid for adoption in Illinois?” is always no, you can get legal assistance from potential adoptive parents wishing to help.

6. Who decides how much adoption financial assistance can be provided?

Can you get paid to give a baby up for adoption in Illinois? You can’t get paid for adoption, but you can get adoption financial assistance in Illinois as long as an accounting of the payment is provided to the family court prior to finalization.

Some non-legal factors that can influence the amount of adoption financial assistance you will receive include:  

  • Your standard of living right now
  • The standard of living needed for the health and safety of mother and child
  • Additional sources of financial assistance
  • The adoption budget of the potential adoptive family

7. Where do you look for more information on adoption financial assistance in Illinois?

If you’re still asking questions like, “Can I get paid for adoption in Illinois?” it’s time to speak with an adoption professional. An adoption agency in Illinois can help you understand the laws regarding adoption financial assistance in Illinois and get you the help you deserve. To connect with a professional today, please complete our online form.

About the Author

Lindsay Arielle has been a proud birth mother since placing her son for adoption in 2011. Her post-placement agreement has always been an open adoption. She loves the time she gets to spend with her son and his parents during visits. Lindsay truly believes that for herself and her family, adoption has been a blessing, and she enjoys writing about spiritual healing for birth mothers.

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