The emotions that arise when you’re dealing with unplanned pregnancy in Iowa can be powerful, but we want you to know you’re not alone. There is help available, and you have options when facing an unplanned pregnancy in Iowa.
Usually, great uncertainty accompanies unplanned pregnancy in Iowa, which can result in questions like:
- What unplanned pregnancy options in Iowa can I choose from?
- Where can I find unplanned pregnancy in Iowa?
- Can I get unwanted pregnancy help in Iowa?
- Will unplanned pregnancy in Iowa shape my future, and if so, how?
- And many more
You can find these answers (and many more) by speaking with a licensed adoption professional. You can rely on your adoption professional to provide counseling, resources, and support when dealing with unplanned pregnancy in Iowa. To connect with a professional today, please complete this online form.
You can take the first steps on your path to dealing with unplanned pregnancy in Iowa and gain some valuable tips for handling unplanned pregnancies in IA in this guide, so please keep reading below.
What Unplanned Pregnancy Options in Iowa Are Available to Me?
You have three unplanned pregnancy options in Iowa to choose from if you’re unexpectedly pregnant. Your unplanned pregnancy options in Iowa are parenting, abortion, or adoption. Every unplanned pregnancy circumstance is different, though, and only you know which one is most appropriate for you.
It’s always wise to coordinate with a professional if you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy in Iowa, even though you remain in control of your choice at all times. Adoption professionals are there to give you advice and support so you can move forward boldly with the knowledge you’ve made the correct choice for you and your child.
In this guide, we’ll cover some of the pros and cons of the 3 unplanned pregnancy options in Iowa, so keep reading.
Parenting in Iowa
Deciding to parent may be an obvious answer for some expectant mothers facing unplanned pregnancy in Iowa, especially if you currently have children. In that case, an unplanned pregnancy in Iowa may just mean adding another person to your family.
But becoming a parent following an unplanned pregnancy in Iowa won’t work for every expectant woman. Many complicating factors could influence your decision, such as:
- Professional aspirations
- Financial issues
- Health or medical issues stemming from pregnancy
- Unachieved personal goals
- Lack of a desire to parent
- And others
Parenting means making a big commitment to your child since you’ll be accepting full responsibility for their needs. That’s difficult in the best of circumstances and even more challenging when you aren’t prepared to do that. Accepting that responsibility can be tough for anyone, especially when the pregnancy isn’t planned. Dealing with an unplanned pregnancy in Iowa only magnifies the stress of the situation.
Please know it’s normal to have doubts about parenting at first. Lots of parents experience those feelings. However, if it seems like the best path forward for you, embrace it and commit to being the best parent you can be. When reviewing your unplanned pregnancy options in Iowa, be diligent when analyzing your feelings before making your choice.
Again, parenting your child means claiming responsibility for their wants, needs, safety, and well-being. Only you know If you’re up to the challenge when dealing with unplanned pregnancy in Iowa. You can rely upon agencies and programs offering support on your journey.
- Iowa Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Health and Human Services Local Parenting Resources
- Postpartum Support International
Abortion in Iowa
Parenting isn’t always possible when you’re dealing with an unplanned pregnancy in Iowa due to professional, emotional, financial, or medical concerns that limit your ability or willingness to parent. As always, you have control over choosing the option that’s best for you after an unplanned pregnancy in IA.
If parenting isn’t a viable option for you, you still have two other options to choose from if you’re dealing with unplanned pregnancy in Iowa. One of those options is abortion. It’s a medical procedure intended to end an unwanted or unsafe pregnancy in a clinical setting. Though abortion is still an option for women, the number of abortions in Iowa and the U.S. has diminished.
Abortions fall into two categories: elective and therapeutic. An abortion that’s done because the health of the expectant woman has been jeopardized by pregnancy is called a therapeutic abortion. An abortion that’s meant only to terminate an unwanted and unplanned pregnancy in Iowa for reasons not tied to health and safety is elective abortion.
Though expectant women facing unplanned pregnancy in Iowa can still choose abortion, some state’s laws are somewhat restrictive of its practice. Iowa has some restrictions on abortion that were in effect as of June 28, 2022. They are:
- A patient must receive state-directed counseling that includes information intended to discourage the patient from having an abortion and then wait 24 hours before the procedure is provided. Counseling must be provided in person and must take place before the waiting period begins, necessitating two trips to the facility.
- The parent of a minor must be notified before an abortion can be provided.
- Public funding can only be used for abortion only in cases of life endangerment, rape, incest or fetal anomaly. The governor must approve each Medicaid-funded abortion.
- A patient must undergo an ultrasound before obtaining an abortion; the provider must offer the patient the option to view the image.
- An abortion may be performed at 20 or more weeks postfertilization (22 weeks after the last menstrual period) only in cases of life or severely compromised physical health.
If you decide on abortion as your best way of dealing with unplanned pregnancy in Iowa, look for a clinic or medical center that can perform the procedure. There were 9 abortion providers in Iowa in 2017, so look for one in your area.
When dealing with unwanted pregnancy in Iowa, it’s important that you remember that all three options come with their own emotional consequences, including abortion. But you get to determine how you move forward from an unplanned pregnancy in Iowa. Consider the emotional impact of each option and how it may shape your future.
Adoption in Iowa
Your final option for handling an unplanned pregnancy in Iowa is adoption. Adoption can offer a path forward when any of the circumstances below apply to your situation:
- You can’t grow your family right now
- You can’t put your career on hold for pregnancy
- You can’t pursue an abortion due to philosophical or religious reasons
- You can’t currently parent
- You can’t afford to parent a child at the moment
If any of these situations apply to your scenario, you can choose adoption to preserve your future dreams and provide your child the life and future they deserve.
Through adoption, you get to place your child in the home of a loving, pre-screened family of your choosing after an unplanned pregnancy in Iowa. Through your choice, you’ll be making an impact on your child while finding the support and resources you need from your adoption professional.
If you aren’t able to parent currently, putting your child up for adoption is a selfless and loving act that gives your child a bright future and a loving, supportive family. That’s one reason women choose adoption from their three unplanned pregnancy options in Iowa.
When you choose adoption, you are in charge of your experience from beginning to end. All the important details are left to you to decide, such as choosing the perfect adoptive family to raise your child. Placing your child instills confidence in you because you’ll know your baby is wanted, loved, and supported. And, you get to pursue your own dreams after an unplanned pregnancy in Iowa, too.
If you opt for a national agency, you’ll have a better chance of locating the perfect prospective adoptive family for your baby. You’ll receive access to hundreds of adoptive parent profiles representing hopeful families nationwide when you partner with a national agency instead of just a few local ones offered by most local agencies.
Here are a few adoption agencies serving birth mothers in Iowa:
- American Adoptions
- Graceful Adoptions
- New Horizons Adoption Agency
- Adoption Associates of Iowa
- Adoption Connection
- Hillcrest Family Services
Through adoption, you can also remain a part of your child’s life after placement. Open or semi-open adoption lets you enjoy a lifelong bond with your kid so you can see them grow up firsthand. That’s a good thing for the adoptee, the adoptive parents, and birth mothers facing unplanned pregnancy in Iowa.
Opting for adoption following an unplanned pregnancy in Iowa may also mean you can get adoption financial assistance to help with the costs of pregnancy and delivery. Iowa allows prospective adoptive families to provide up to $2,000 in assistance to pay pregnancy and birth-related expenses. Your adoption professional will guide you through the process.
The only person who can decide if adoption offers the best path forward is you if you’re coping with an unplanned pregnancy in Iowa. All the options feature unique challenges, including adoption. The choice is yours to make.
Seizing Control of Your Future When Dealing with Unplanned Pregnancy in Iowa
Surprise pregnancies occur more often than you may think. There’s no need to panic if you find yourself in that situation. But we want you to know there’s free help for you, you’re not alone, and you have unplanned pregnancy options in Iowa that will help you to move forward.
Most importantly, you choose the one that’s best for you. Take your time and think about the pros and cons of each of the unplanned pregnancy options in Iowa. In particular, it’s helpful to analyze just how they could impact your future. If you need more information, please speak with an adoption professional by completing our free online form when you’re ready.