How to Get Your Support Team Involved
Building an adoption process support team by involving family and friends can help them better understand your adoption decision.
- Being involved in the adoption process helps educate unsupportive family and friends.
- Your adoption process support team provides you with helpful emotional support.
- You can add to your adoption process support team by working with a trusted and experienced professional.
Knowing how to talk about adoption with family and friends is a significant part of your overall adoption journey. You can get helpful tips on discussing your adoption and how to build a strong adoption process support team by filling out this form to connect with a professional today.
As a birth mother choosing adoption, having emotional support during your adoption journey is crucial. There are complex emotions you’ll face at different times, and the important people in your life can help you cope.
In some cases, birth mothers find themselves facing family and friends who are unsupportive of their adoption decision.
The reasons can be due to various factors, including misinformation and a lack of education on what adoption is.
So, how do you help get your family and friends on board with your decision?
You can start by getting them involved.
Who Should Be a Part of Your Adoption Process Support Team?
An unwanted pregnancy comes with challenges, and you should never face them alone. It’s up to you to decide which of your family and friends can offer you much-needed support and include them in your adoption journey.
Here’s an example of people you should consider making a part of your adoption process support team:
- Parents
- Close family members
- Father of the child
- Close friends
- Roommates
- Religious or education mentors
- Adoption professionals
You are in charge of your adoption. That means you get to make the important decision that helps shape your overall experience. A significant aspect of that is which of the people in your life will join you on your adoption journey.
You can get more information on choosing family and friends for your adoption process support team by filling out our online form to connect with an adoption professional.
Getting Your Adoption Process Support Team Involved
It’s possible that members of your adoption process support team might not know exactly what to do or how to help.
Maybe you just need to know they’re available. However, one way to let them know how best to support you is to include them in the adoption process.
Ultimately, the decisions made during your adoption journey are completely yours. But you can ask a family member or friend to help you do things like:
- Search through adoptive family profiles – Based on your preferences; you get to hand-pick the adoptive family for your baby. What better way to get someone on your adoption process support team involved than by having them help you search through video profiles to find the perfect family?
- Attend appointments – You may not want to attend medical appointments alone. This would be the perfect opportunity to get your support team involved in your adoption journey.
- Join you in pregnancy exercise – To ensure you have a healthy pregnancy, safe exercises and remaining active are activities that members of your support team can participate in with you.
- Pick out maternity clothing – Who doesn’t like shopping? Ask your support team members to join you to pick out maternity clothing and give their opinion on items.
- Shop for groceries – Not sure what to eat when pregnant? Have a friend help you research healthy pregnancy food options and go shopping for them. You can also explore new recipes and cook together.
- And more
There are many ways you can involve members of your adoption process support team to make them feel like they are giving you the support you need.
Of course, you can always lean on them for emotional support and talk to them about your adoption. Even those who don’t necessarily support your adoption decision can get on board by learning more about the process to discover how adoption creates a better future for everyone.
As mentioned before, many people who are initially unsupportive of adoption don’t know what adoption is, how it works and might be relying on misinformation based on outdated stigma.
Involving them in the process in whatever way you feel appropriate is a great way to change their perception and see how you’re making the brave and selfless decision to give your baby a chance at a life full of opportunity.
Want to learn more about ways you can involve members of your adoption process support team? Complete this online form to connect with a professional today.
Adoption Professionals and Your Adoption Process Support Team
In addition to your family and friends, the adoption professional you work with is an invaluable member of your adoption process support team.
When it comes to your adoption journey, the services and handling every step of your adoption is just a piece of your professional’s overall support.
When you need to talk about challenges, difficult emotions, pregnancy or about something unrelated to your adoption, your professional is always there.
The adoption professional you choose is especially helpful when dealing with unsupportive family and friends.
When needed, your adoption professional can help educate the people in your life and provide information on the many benefits of adoption. This can get unsupportive people in your life on board with your decision.
Remember, just because a parent, other family or friend disagrees with your adoption decision doesn’t mean you can’t choose adoption. You are always in complete control of your choice to place your baby for adoption.
Your adoption professional will also remind you that “giving up” your child for adoption is never giving up on them. You’re making the heroic decision to create a better future for them with a wonderful, hand-picked adoptive family.
Not everyone in your adoption process support team may approve of your decision. But, through education, involvement and asking for help when you need it, you can get everyone on board and help them see you are making the best decision for you and your child.
You can always get more information on how to build a strong adoption process support team and get them involved in your journey by reaching out to an adoption professional.
You deserve to work with someone who is there for you 24/7 and can help guide you through the emotional challenges of adoption while also providing you with the best adoption services.